Advivum Journeys

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Not Yet...

I find myself yearning for the sight of daffodils, those cheerful harbingers of warmer days, their bright heads challenging the gloomy skies and my own mood.

Each morning, as I greet the creeping dawn, I ask the same question I've been asking since mid-February: "Is it Spring yet?"

And each time, the answer comes back the same: "No."

I can't help but deflate with a sigh, the weight of that single word coloring my entire day with disappointment.

But this morning, something shifted within me. Though the weather outside remained unchanged, I found myself responding differently to the familiar question.

"Not yet," I whispered to myself.

And instead of feeling resigned, I felt a flicker of hope ignite within me.

"Not yet." Two simple words, but they carried the promise of what's to come rather than focusing on what's lacking.

With this newfound perspective, I began to envision the signs of spring slowly awakening around me – the squirrels running from branch to branch, the bulbs beneath the earth starting to stir, the birds building their nests in anticipation.

"Not yet" resides on the spectrum of "soon," flirting with the possibility of "yes" and existing on the horizon of what lies ahead.

So, for the rest of the day, I experimented with hope.

Instead of dwelling on what hasn't happened, I embraced the notion of "not yet" as a sign of potential and possibility.

Have I achieved my goals? No, not yet.

Have I tackled my to-do list? No, not yet.

Have I made progress on my projects? No, not yet.

Each "not yet" became a reminder that my desired outcomes are still within reach – it's just a matter of timing.

I heard of a school that shifted from "pass/fail" to "pass/not yet," signalling to students that success remains a possibility. How empowering to know that failure isn't the end of the road but merely a stepping stone to future success.

So, as I eagerly await the signs of spring each morning, I'll embrace the mantra of "not yet" and approach each day with renewed optimism and confidence in the promise of what's to come.

Spring has arrived, and with it, a resounding "YES!"

In celebration, Tania