Advivum Journeys

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Want to change the world? LOL!

I was losing patience, delayed on the runway on a flight from London, uncomfortably strapped in and worrying about the impact of a late arrival, I was trying to stay cool when I heard the baby a couple of rows back as she started to make some noise. 

I exhaled and sat in dread, when all of a sudden …  a pixie giggle.

Clear as a bell, I couldn’t help perking up my ears…it came again, and then a third time, until it turned into an all-in-belly-laugh-squeal in the way that only babies can do. 

I started to smile, then I found myself giggling, and finally, I gave in and joined her in glee. Soon, all 10 rows of travellers were chuckling. I guess the flight eventually took off, I didn’t notice, having completely forgotten whatever had been worrying me.

It made me wonder two things, first, why don’t airlines play videos of laughing babies as a part of their safety briefing and why, given how good it feels, do we not laugh together more often? We often approach one another with stories of what’s gone wrong or political gripes that make us feel frustrated, but rarely with things that make us tingle with mirth.

So I decided to go out on a limb and try a bold experiment… to follow the lead of this little soul and intentionally infect strangers with a little effervescent joy.

First attempt: getting my nails done with my sister; time with her always makes me happy so I decided this would be the place…

There are about 15 of us in the room, we sit neatly in two rows, like a stand off with feet and toes exposed. There is an unwritten code, no eye contact and maintain a Navy Seal level of composure despite the fact that there isn’t a human alive who doesn’t have ticklish feet. So when Nancy starts to massage my foot by placing her fingers between my toes I go against the rules and

let out a little giggle, (everyone’s eyes get a little bigger but they don’t look at me)

and then I chuckle, (my sister shoots me a look, raises an eyebrow and shoots a huge smile)

and then I let go and laugh and feel my own mirth - which has the consequence of making me laugh even harder and even louder.

(because now I can see myself in my mind’s eye, sitting in a church-quiet salon, having a good old laugh while everyone else is trying to control themselves and, well, this just makes me laugh even harder…)

And that’s when I get them.

Nancy stops and looks at me straight in the eyes and laughs. 
Perhaps this is the first time today she has felt truly engaged with the people she cares for so well. Her colleagues all stop what they are doing, little brushes of colour all held mid-air as they vibrate in their shared humour.

Once I see them laughing I am GONE!
Now I have tears rolling down my cheeks.
I notice the ladies, in the row opposite me, are all giggling despite themselves. (Success!)
Better than a round of martinis. 
Joy is a contagion.
For a moment I felt like I have cured all that weighs so heavily on us.
I can’t change the world but I can make it a little lighter.

I’ve repeated this giggle-bomb experiment on a plane, in a coffee shop, and in a voice mail that my friend has saved as her favourite pick me up.

At first this laughing feels so vulnerable, solo in a pack of sombre people, but now I know that at the end of it someone will come over and say “thanks – I needed that”.

If babies can do it, so can we. Changing the world might start with letting the sound of your laughter emerge. Be caught smiling, giggling, singing. 

Demonstrate joy. Celebrate. I’ll be there giggling along with you.

Epiphany Designer & Life Coach
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